Collaborating with the Best: Our Trusted Partners
Welcome to our partners page, where the party never stops and the good vibes keep on coming! Here's where we show off the awesome folks we team up with locally to bring you the highest quality gifts.
The pioneer in lactation nut butters and nut products.
A recipe co-created with mummies and loved by mummies. Mummies have experienced increase in milk supply and enhancement in milk quality! They are on a mission to provide mummies with healthy and tasty lactation-boosting

Clookies was founded from a mother's love for her baby, to provide adequate breastmilk to meet her daily needs.
This led to months of research and experiment for the perfect lactation cookie recipe, with just the right balance of nutrition, taste & texture. Their aim —> more Clookies more milk!
Latch Anytime, Anywhere without a nursing cover. A brand that strives to journey with you as you navigate motherhood, from bump to baby and beyond. A journey to solve issues with latching comfortably, pumping milk at the work desk and perpetually forgetting to bring nursing covers.
ARIA, a SG brand founded by a mother of 3, aims to bring quality, organic and sustainable baby products to all parents at competitive pricing. It first launched the silicone breastmilk bags with more than 1000 pieces sold in SG.
ARIA products are carefully curated and ethically crafted from sustainable materials like (1) Organic Cotton (2) BPA Free Silicone and (3) Bamboo that are devoid of harmful plastics and safe for babies. The designs of the products are built to last beyond the life stages of infants and toddlers to reduce wastage.

Customised bouquets. To Flowers in the East, it’s always a pretty deal.